Session 005: Genesis 1 & 2: Adam & Eve: Evolution and Science

Class OverviewClass ResourcesClass Discussion Points

For this weeks session we will look at aspects of Evolution and Science as it pertains to the Adam and Eve story. There is far too much to realistically cover in one session, however we will try to look at a broad range of topics to review before our discussion. We have several short web articles to read that provide definitions and some context, one podcast which is a recoding of a debate between Young Earth and Old Earth creationist positions and a second podcast between two Christians debating between Young Earth and Evolution.

  • Session 005 Prolog Podcast

    Podcast webpage
    Podcast Download

  • Scripture Audio:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway.

    Genesis 1
    Genesis 2

  • Theory of Evolution from National Geographic

    A short National Geographic ‘Encyclopid Entry’ on the Theory of Evolution. A quick overview of the origins of what is now known as evolution.

    National Georgraphic website:

  • Micro-evolution Definition

    An article providing an explanation of the differences between micro and macro evolution webpage:

  • Genetic Entropy Points to a Young Creation:

    This article makes the argument for a young earth creation based on genetic entropy.

    Article webpage

  • Classic Replay: Do We Live on an Old or Young Earth?

    This debate was recorded in front of a live audience at Gunnersbury Baptist Church in 2012. Representing OEC were Hugh Ross & Ken Samples of Reasons To Believe. Representing YEC were Andy MacIntosh & Stephen Lloyd.

    Podcast Web Page
    Podcast Audio Download

  • Classic Replay: Adam, Eve, Sin & Death – Young Earth vs Evolution Debate

    From 2013: The second of two debates in which Young Earth Creationist Andy McIntosh debated palaeontologist Robert Asher.

    Podcast Web Page
    Podcast Audio Download

Here are some things to think about when studying these resources.

  • In your mind do you believe that there is room for both science (in some form) and a religious interpretation of creation?
  • Can you articulate your personal views of how life started?
  • If challenged on those beliefs, can you defend them without making the argement personal?

Session 002: Genesis 1: Different Christian Interpretations

Session OverviewSession ResourcesSession Discussion Points

This week we are looking into the Creation story again. This time we are looking at the different ways that Christians interpret this story. For an overview we will start with a PDF (document) that outlines most of the current interpretations of the Genesis story. We also have a link to a short YouTube video that does an excellent job of explaining the distinction between Objective and Historical Science.

The two main videos, both on YouTube, take two completely different extremes on the interpretation of the Genesis 1 story. They should prove to be good discussion bookends for our upcoming discussion.

Because this topic is so broad, we are also including links to additional resources on the subject. These resources will not be foundational for our upcoming discussion, but are still good. One of particular interest may be the presentation on ‘Ordinary Faith, Ordinary Science’ by a Nobel Laureate, Dr. Bill Phillips who discusses his views on Science and his faith.

Refer to the Resources tab for links to this weeks resources for study.

  • Session 0002 Prolog Podcast

    Podcast webpage
    Podcast Download

  • Genesis 1 & 2:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway.

    Genesis 1
    Genesis 2

  • Interpretations of Creation (PDF)

    This is a two page document summarizing most of the current views on the Genesis Creation Story.

    PDF Document download

  • The Nature of Science

    Distinction Between Objective Science and Historical Science.

    YouTube Video

  • The 6 Days of Creation Lecture by Ken Ham

    A New Earth Presentation

    YouTube Video

  • Science and Faith in Conflict?

    How Science Reveals the Rationality of the Christian Faith

    YouTube Video

  • Additional Resources

    Ordinary Faith, Ordinary Science

    Nobel Laureate, Dr. Bill Phillips. (start at 5:30 due to audio setup problems)(end at 58:00) YouTube Video

    Two Creationist Interpretations of Genesis 1

    A Collection of Genesis 1 resources and explanations Web Page

    Nine Views of Creation

    A nice write-up on some of the different interpretations of Genesis 1 Web Page

    Creation Theology: Podcast

    A podcast covering a few topics from a book on creationist thought Podcast Web Page Podcast Download

    The Hermeneutical problem of Genesis 1-11

    A rather deep but good discussion on why Evangelicals are willing to use different ways to interpret different portions of Genesis 1-11. Very thought provoking. Web Page

After the class this will be a link to to a podcast of the discussion points