Session 028: Genesis 9:18 – 9:28: The Son’s of Noah – Eastern and Jewish Perspective

Class OverviewClass ResourcesClass Discussion Points
This session, we are going to look more deeply at what was actually done to Noah, did he have three or four sons, and how does Canaan fit in the mix. We will look at this from more of an Eastern perspective than the Western view that we are used to.
  • Genesis 9:18 through 9:28

    Text from The Bible Gateway

    Genesis 9

  • Scripture Audio:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway

    Genesis 9 Audio

  • Suggested Study Resources

    The following three resources should be helpful. Of course feel free to chase down any study rabbit holes and you want to chase. This is your deep dive in the Word.

  • The BEMA Podcast: A Misplaced Curse

    This podcast covers a lot of the questions that come up after Noah has left the ark. It also brings up an interesting perspective of what was done to Noah by his offspring and why was it such a big deal.

    Web Site Link
    Audio Download Link

  • Noah’s Four Sons –

    Is there an argument to be made that Noah had four son’s and not three?

    Website Link

  • Noah’s Sons names & Was Shem the Oldest? –

    A quick read and overviews the story with a couple of new tidbits that haven’t been covered in the other sources.

    Article Link

  • Why Did Noah Curse His Son Ham? –

    A quick read and overviews the story with a couple of ew tidbits that weren’t covered in the other sources.

    Article Link

  • Why did Noah curse Canaan instead of Ham? –

    Another look at how this story was used to mistreat a certain group of humans.

    Article Link

Here are some questions and thoughts to ponder as you look into the resources for this week.

  1. What do you think happened to Noah after reading these new interpretations?
  2. Does what was done even matter, other than the fact that Noah was ‘dishonored’.
  3. What are your thoughts on the three sons versus the four sons
    • Or how does that play into the story line that, if castrated, there was no 4th son?
  4. What do you think Noah really was mad about?
    • In Western thought would a son seeing a father naked be a big deal?
  5. Do you think that Ham wasn’t cursed, because he was already blessed?
  6. Since this is the only story of Noah after the flood, do you think that it was included to provide justification from Moses, when he wrote down these stories, as justification for moving into the land of Canaan with the ation of Israel?

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