Session 026: Genesis 8:18 – 9:17: Eastern and Jewish perspectives on the Noahic covenant.

Class OverviewClass ResourcesClass Discussion Points
This week, please start by rereading Genesis Chapter 8:18 through 9:17. Since we have studied the parts of a covenant, try to identify the following sections of a covenant through this passage.
o Preamble
o Historical Prologue (absent in Assyrian Treaties )
o Stipulations
o Depositions and Provisions for reading before the people.
o Witnesses
o Oaths – Curses / Blessings – The Berit details
o Sacrifices given.
o Written record.

  • Genesis 8:18 through 9:17

    Text from The Bible Gateway starting with Chapter 9

    Genesis 9

  • Scripture Audio:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway

    Genesis 8 Audio
    Genesis 9 Audio

  • Suggested Study Resources

    The following four resources should be helpful. Of course feel free to chase down any study rabbit holes and you want to chase. This is your deep dive in the Word.

  • BEMA Discipleship Podcast; His Bow in the clouds

    We have already covered this podcast once, but since it is only 30 minutes long, you can listen to it while heading to work. Do the nuances of the covenant stick out more now that we have looked that the Eastern views of covenant within a patriarchal society?

    Podcast Page
    Download Link

  • Noah: The First Covenant in Tanakh

    This article is very Jewish in that it shows, in my opinion, some of the major differences in the relationship that Jews have with God compared to the relationship that Western Christians have. This will be great food for discussion in our next session discussion. While I could split hairs that the first covenant was with Adam and Eve, I will go with this authors idea that the Noahic covenant was the first. Some things to pick out of this article.

    1. Read the sidebar on the author. I’m curious what your thoughts are.
    2. What do you make of the idea of God talking to Himself?
    3. After reading this article, how do you see this Jewish author approaching her relationship with God compared to the approach you are used to hearing from most Protestant preachers/leaders?


  • The Miraculous Nature of the Covenant.

    While this is from a Jewish site, I could see this being presented by several major branches of the Christian faith. It is a short read that provides some ideas on how/why the food was handled during the flood. I’m curious what your thoughts are on this.



    Genesis 9, Noah’s Covenants and Jewish Theology of Religions

    This peer reviewed article (from what I can tell) is deep. It includes perspectives from three different individuals outside of the author and it also deals with the differing interpretations between Jews and Christians. I’ll have to be honest an confess that I personally need to look at this one more deeply. There is a lot of ideas and concepts here.

    Article Link

    The Seven Laws of Noah

    This wikipedia page provides an analysis of the seven laws that are identified from the Noah story. A very quick read.

    Article Link:

What are the major differences that you see in the Jewish/Eastern view of the Noahic covenant compared to what we usually hear or perceive in the West?

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