Session 025: Genesis 8:18 – 9:17: Understanding Eastern and Jewish Covenants

Class OverviewClass ResourcesClass Discussion Points
This week we will be looking at the Patriarchy and Covenants from the time period of Noah. There is a LOT of material to cover. We were not able to find resources the summarized these concepts the way that we liked. So, we created our own podcast in the hopes of saving you some time without having to go through all of the material that we did. As it is, the recording still ended up being almost an hour long.
  • Suggested Study Resources

  • Understanding the Patriarchy and Covenants of Noah’s Time

    AUWTTB’s own podcast

    Podcast Web Page
    Audio Download Link

  • What is the Noahic Covenant?

    This is a very short summarization of the Noahic Covenant.


  • The Epic of Eden by Sandra L. Richter

    I would strongly recommend reading (or listening to) the book ‘The Epic of Eden’ by Sandra L. Richter. For this class, covering the first three chapters is all that is necessary, but I think you will be interested enough in it that you will want to finish it. The audio version published by is well read. Unfortunately, you will have to buy this one to access it.


  • The Difference Between Covenant and Contract.

    I mentioned that I found a legal site that talked about contracts and covenants. Here is the link to that site. I found it very interesting.



    The following resources will each take you down a unique view of the patriarchy and covenants of Noah’s time. Enjoy.

    The Polity of Biblical Israel

    This is a rather in-depth article about the Polity in Biblical Israel. It is a very detailed look at this subject.

    Article Link

    The Twelve Tribes of Israel

    This article looks at the formation of the twelve tribes of Israel. There are two things that I liked about it. First, it provides visual representation using maps to see how things develop. Second, it ties the development of the tribes back into the patriarchal society.

    Article Link

    Covenant – Beriyth (Hebrew Word Study)

    This article is a very deep dive into all forms of covenants within the Hebrew cultural environment. A very long but very detailed and scholarly write-up.

    Article Link

    What’s a covenant? A quick definition and overview

    This article takes a slightly different view of the covenants in the Bible than we have looked at. Think of it looking into a room from a different window than we have already looked.

    Article Link:

This week we are looking at the patriarchy and covenants from Noah’s time. We wont need a lot of questions to lead discussion. There is simply so much here. Here are a few things to consider as you think through this.

1) What are the differences between a contract and a covenant.
2) Do you have a better/different understanding of covenants than you did before?
3) Do you have a different understanding of the Patriarchal society.

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