Session 021: Genesis 6:9 – 8:22: Noah and the Flood: Eastern and Jewish Perspective

Class OverviewClass ResourcesClass Discussion Points
We are going to continue our deep dive into the story of Noah. we will be looking at the story from the Eastern/Jewish perspective. When doing so, one of the items that will probably surprise you, is how quickly many of the items wihtin the story that brother Western readers greatly, quickly falls away. In many cases, they were intentionally placed there.
  • Genesis 6:9 through 8:22

    Text from The Bible Gateway starting with Chapter 6

    Genesis 6

  • Scripture Audio:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway

    Genesis 6 Audio
    Genesis 7 Audio
    Genesis 8 Audio

  • The BEMA Discipleship Podcast: E4: His Bow in the Clouds

    Our main resource for this week is going to be a session from the BEMA Discipleship podcast. It will definately plant seeds for several possible rabbit holes for you to head down. There is also a good chance that you will never look at the story of Noah and the Flood the same way ever again. Yes, these insights are that unique and powerful.

    Podcast Transcript Link
    Podcast Link
    MP3 Download Link


    The following three resources will each take you down a unique view of the Noah story. Enjoy.

    Noah’s Repetition and Contradiction

    A quick look at the repetition and contradictions within the Noah story. This touches on the concept of an ‘E’ version and ‘J’ version of the writings in the old testement. This is something that our class will look into in more detail in the near future (much like we looked at the idea of canonization while looking at the Book of Enoch). For now, this is just wetting your appetite for wonderful gems to come.


    Genesis and the Flood: Understanding the Biblical Story

    A good thought process on how to interpret Genesis from a Western view. A good ballance with what we heard from the BEMA podcast.

    Article Link:

    The Story of Noah and the Ark in the Bible

    Read this one to the end. The last section ‘Deluge of Purity’ is an interesting perspective that will probably be completely new to you.

    Article Link

As we look at this story as seen from the perspective of our Jewish bretheren, look closely for the following items.

  • How much symetry there is between the creation story and the story of the flood.
    • An interesting person study would be to write down the items between the two stories that are similar. You will be surprised.
  • What is unique about the covenent between God and Noah after the flood. This is absolutely beautiful.
  • How does God show restraint in the flood story (and due to the symetry, also in the creation story [that we didn’t see before])
  • After tying in the Chiasm wrapped in the Jewsih thought process and the uniqueness of this covenent, what are your thoughts now about this idea of God ‘remembering’?

Write them down. These are the things we want to ponder over the next few weeks. With one of the main questions being; does it matter?

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