Session 018: Genesis 6:1-8: Wickedness in the World

Class OverviewClass ResourcesClass Discussion Points
The first 8 verses of Genesis chapter 6 are probably one of the most confusing and difficult verses in the Bible for Christians. While only eight verses long, there are four deep issues that need to be understood.

1) Who were the sons of God and the daughters of man?
2) What is meant by the number of days being 120 years?
3) Who were the Nephilim?
4) The Lord’s response to the wickedness He witnessed.

  • Scripture Text:

    Text from The Bible Gateway (Only cover first 8 verses).

    Genesis 6:1-8

  • Scripture Audio:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway (only need to cover first 8 verses).

    Genesis 6 Audio

  • Traditional interpretations of Chapter 6 (only need to cover the first 8 verses)

    These two articles are rather traditional (but somewhat disagreeing) interpretations of Chapter 6. From the Blue Letter Bible web site.

    Article Link: MAN’S WICKEDNESS; GOD CALLS NOAH: David Guzik:
    Article Link: The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis: Robert Jamieson

  • Bereshit (Genesis) – Chapter 6

    A Jewish Interpretation of the passage (be sure to click on the “Show Rashi’s Commentary” and you only need to cover the first 8 verses)

    Article Link:

  • Who Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6?

    A look at two different interpretations for the sons of God.

    Article Link:

  • The Nephilim in the Bible: 4 Origin Theories

    A look at four theories on who the Nephilim represent.

    Article Link:


    A few extra credit resources. These resources wont be a direct part of the class discussion, but may prove helpful as you start looking into your own rabbit holes of study.

    Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Giants, Goliath And His Brothers

    This is an hour long YouTube video that covers that sons of God, the Nephilim as well as other references to giants in the Bible such as Sampson.

    YouTube video:

This is a restatement about the four deep issues that need to be understood in this passage

  1. Who were the sons of God and the daughters of man?
  2. What is meant by the number of days being 120 years?
  3. Who were the Nephilim?
  4. The Lord’s response to the wickedness He witnessed.

Other points to consider and contemplate onyour own.

  • What do you tink of the differing views of the sons of God between Christianity and Judism?
  • Why was Noah considered to be less sinful (or even sinless) compared to others even though he descended from Adam and Eve?
  • Why do you think that Christians link the 120 years to the age limit of human life? Is this correct?
  • Which of the options for understanding the sons of God do you lean towards and why? Is this understanding crutial to your walk?
  • Which of the options for understanding the Nephilim do you lean towards and why? Is this understanding crutial to your walk?
  • Have you ever had to destroy something that you created? Why? How did you feel?
  • Why do you think that God chose the path that he did for cleansing the Earth? Were there other options?
  • Why do you think that God singled Noah and his family out. Don’t answer generically. Be specific. Would you line up?

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