Session 015: Genesis: The Nature of Sin

Class OverviewClass ResourcesClass Discussion Points
This weeks session will be a little different than our usual fare. So far we have dealt heavily on the actual scripture. This session will be a little more topical in nature than looking at a specific scripture in an expositorial fashion. The topic is the nature of sin. We have looked at the story of Eden and the story of Cain and Abel. So far sin has been an issue in each generation of humanity.
  • Scripture Audio:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway.

    Genesis 1
    Genesis 2
    Genesis 3
    Genesis 4

  • How to Read Genesis Part 1

    A high level over view of what we can take from the first part of Genesis. [Note: Requires an account on RightNow Media]

    Video Web Page:
    Video Link:

  • The End of Sin

    A short article from

    Article Web Page:


    These resourcs wont be a direct part of the class discussion, but may prove helpful as you start looking into your own rabbit holes of study.

    Original Choice, not Original Sin

    Karen Winslow, Chair of Biblical and Theological Studies at Azusa Pacific Seminary. A very interesting read that turns the concept of original sin on its head. (You will need to register for to download the article)
    Article Web Page:

    Loren Haarsma, Four Approaches to Original Sin

    Loren Haarsma lays out four different approaches in his book, When Did Sin Begin? and talks with us in the episode about the approaches
    Podcast Web Page:
    Podcast direct Link:

Here are some questions to ponder as you think about the nature of sin.

  • Are we sinners because we sin?
  • Do we sin because we are sinners?
  • Are Christians Sinners or Saints (both or neither one)?
  • Is there a difference between individual acts of sin and the sin nature in mankind? (If so, what is the difference between those?)

NOTE: with regard to the questions listed above that we will discuss in the context of Genesis and “Cain & Abel” in particular; time permitting, let’s also feel free to consider some other points on this subject (the nature of sin) from other portions of scripture such as parts of Ephesians & Galatians.

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