Session 004: Genesis 2: Adam and Eve: Looking at the The Marriage of Adam and Eve

Session OverviewSession ResourcesSession Discussion Points

We have three podcasts that we are going to listen to this week that each take different perspective of the marriage of Adam and Eve.

Our first podcast is called God’s Design for Marriage and is presented by Steven J. Cole. His sermon focuses on the role of companionship that was solved by God providing a companion for Adam through the creation of Eve.

Our second podcast is an NPR interview with Bruce Fieler who wrote a book called “The First Love Story: Adam, Eve, and Us”. In the interview he presents his interpretation of the Adam and Eve story which is a departure from the typical telling of the story. But the departure may not be incorrect. We’ll leave that for our upcoming discussion time.

Our last podcast for this week comes from Dr Edward Sri from the “All Things Catholic” podcast titled “Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love”. As can be extrapolated from the title, in this podcast Dr. Sri looks at how Love is represented within the story of Adam and Eve.

Refer to the Resources tab for links to this weeks resources for study. We are looking forward to the discussions during our next session. Have a wonderful week.

  • Session 0004 Prolog Podcast

    Podcast webpage
    Podcast Download

  • Genesis 2 Audio:

    Presented as dramatizations from The Bible Gateway.

    Genesis 2

  • God’s Design for Marriage – Steven J. Cole

    This sermon focuses on the role of companionship that was solved by God providing a companion for Adam through the creation of Eve. Podcast website:
    Podcast audio download:

  • Author Finds A Counter-Narrative Of Equality In Adam And Eve Story – NPR – Interview with Bruce Fieler

    In the interview Bruce Fieler presents his interpretation of the Adam and Eve story which is a departure from the typical telling of the story. But the departure may not be incorrect. We’ll leave that for our upcoming discussion time.

    Podcast page
    Podcast audio download

  • Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love – Dr. Edwards Sri – All Things Catholic Podcast

    As can be extrapolated from the title, in this podcast Dr. Sri looks at how Love is represented within the story of Adam and Eve.

    Podcast Web Page
    Podcast Audio Download

After the class this will be a link to to a podcast of the discussion points

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