Session 000: Introductions

Session OverviewSession ResourcesSession Discussion Points

Before we begin looking into Genesis 1, we are going to research into different ways that people think about Genesis and the Bible as a whole. The examples that we will look at are by no means exhaustive, they do represent a few different perspectives that should help with our discussion time on how we will look at scripture.

Refer to the Resources tab for links to this weeks resources for study.

Session 0000 Prolog

This is a short prolog providing an overview of our resources for this week.

Episode URL
Downoad URL

The BEMA Podcast – Episode 0 – Introductory Lesson

an introductory conversation about the world of the Bible, investigating the differences between eastern and western perspectives.

Homepage for BEMA podcast
Download for BEMA podcast – Genesis: The Bible’s story Begins

On its own, the book of Genesis reads like a string of epic stories: But Genesis isn’t a stand-alone book. It’s the first installment in the five-part Torah (or Pentateuch), which is the foundational work of the Old Testament.

Main web page
YouTube Link – An Overview of Genesis in the Bible (web site only)

Review key facts and major themes for the first book in God’s Word.

Website Homepage (sorry, no audio)

The Bible Project

In this episode Tim and Jon discuss the big narrative arcs of the Bible. What is the Bible really talking about?

Podcast Homepage
Download for The Bible Project Podcast

After the class this will be a link to to a podcast fo the discussion points and a transcript of the podcast

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